Thursday 5 May 2011

Obama visits Ground Zero

President Obama visits the site of Ground Zero on Thursday as Americans seek closure for 9/11 after the death of Osama bin Laden. 

He was killed on Sunday during a raid by US soldiers on his house in Pakistan. The attack was commanded by Obama after months of research and preparation. 

Further details and reaction have continued since the news was first announced. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, expressed his unease over reports that bin Laden was unarmed at the time. However, the American public seems in support of the action, with poll ratings for the President surging. 

Tension surrounding the relationship with Pakistan has increased as questions have been asked of their government given the surprising location of the Al-Qaeda’s hiding place, but for now the main focus is on Ground Zero, as Obama and the entire USA look to find comfort for the thousands they lost in the terror attacks on the World Trade Centre.

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